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Disney World Early August Wait Time Comparisons



How has the start of August in 2023 compared to previous years at each Walt Disney World theme park? Let's take a look at the data so far to find out!

Disney's Hollywood Studios

At DHS, wait times are down 7% compared to last year, but are up 12% compared to the same period in 2019.

2019: 12%
2022: -7%

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At EPCOT, wait times are very close to the same period last year, only down 2%. Wait times are up 9% compared to before the pandemic.

2019: 9%
2022: -2%

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Disney's Animal Kingdom

The biggest difference to past years is at Animal Kingdom. Wait times are down over 20% compared to last year and 35% compared to before the pandemic!

2019: -35%
2022: -21%

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What is driving some of the differences at Animal Kingdom? Almost a 100 minute difference in the Avatar Flight of Passage wait time compared to 2019! Kilimanjaro Safaris are also well down at 40 minutes.


The Magic Kingdom

Magic Kingdom wait times have also been way down to start August compared to last year and 2019. A big difference this year to last is the number of attractions operating.

2019: -15%
2022: -22%

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A big difference compared to 2019 is much lower wait times for the park's roller coasters this year.



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Very interesting findings, thanks for sharing. It makes me feel better about my trip this year.

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