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Welcome to Thrill Data+! While we continue to provide free access to all of the site's features to everyone, many have asked for an advertisement free option. Thrill Data+ provides the ability to remove ads from all over the main site & community for a yearly fee. Also, get access to a +Member only forum to ask questions and see other content and upcoming developments. Other exclusive features may appear in the future too.

Advertisements or Thrill Data+ help us maintain the site and continue to develop new features! Subscribe securely through PayPal with the button below!

When logging in, please use the email and password associated with the main site. If you have issues, please email thrilldataofficial@gmail.com

After subscribing, give it a minute or two and then you will be ad free! If not, please email thrilldataofficial@gmail.com


New Feature:

Priority Dining Alert searches for Plus Members! TD+ members' dining alerts are checked in an exclusive fashion compared to regular members to help find your dining spots faster!

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